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August 2019

Work Right: How to Improve Your Productivity

It's Monday morning. Your desk is cluttered, your to-do list is two pages long and you have 25 new voice-mail messages. Maximizing your efficiency with proven productivity skills can help you clear the decks and get on with your work.

"The key to becoming more productive and efficient is to establish 'do-it-now' work habits," says Kerry Gleeson, founder of the Institute for Business Technology in Boca Raton, Fla., and author of "The Personal Efficiency Program." "Dealing with something the first time you touch it can help you clear out your backlog, improve your concentration, process your work in a timely fashion and overcome procrastination, which eats up more time in the workplace than practically anything else."

These additional suggestions from Mr. Gleeson can help you further improve your productivity...

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The Anatomy of a Simple Will, and Why You May Need One


Everyone should have a will. Even people of modest means should at least have a simple will, for two reasons: to name an executor to wrap up their affairs, and to specify "who gets what" from their property, to avoid family squabbles.

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Making the Most of Family Moments


The time you spend with your children each day doesn't have to be scripted or scheduled. In fact, if you set aside only specific times as "family time," it puts a lot of pressure on both you and your kids.

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